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If you wish to support our church here are some things you need to know… |
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At Wellington CRC, we are passionate about God.
We have discovered that the Father loves us more than anyone can comprehend. He gave his Son to usher us into revolutionary relationship with himself. He continues to pour out his grace and love on us. It’s who he is. Giving is about our desire to be like our Father, to be about his business. For many Christians, giving is focussed on obedience to the Scriptures and discipleship. And God certainly does say a lot about giving. When we bring our tithes into the place we worship, it releases ministry and service. But for us at WCRC, it’s so much more than that. It’s about becoming bigger people, emulating our Father’s extravagant character and positioning ourselves to become God’s channels to bless our church and community. Monies that come into our church are expressions of our worship. And we honour that by managing our funds and directing them to essential ministry needs and development.
As you give, give with faith, give worshipfully, give wisely and give extraordinarily. Reflect the values of Heaven’s Kingdom, not the materialistic value of earth’s economies. Pr Mark Tobias |
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HOW TO GIVEBank Account Details
Tithes and Offerings Account: 03 0502 0643380 00 (Tax Deductible) Missions Giving Account: 03 0502 0643380 02 (Not Tax Deductible) Building Fund 03 0502 0643380 03 Youth Fund 03 0502 0643380 05 Pastor Nigel Legacy Fund 03 0502 0643380 01 We respect people’s privacy in giving. In doing so, we provide a personal giving number to be included when you make a transaction or set up a recurring transaction. To secure your number, or enquire about finance or giving, please email [email protected] |
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